Sunday, September 30, 2012

Things that make me smile

Pretty much anything chocolate (but especially peanut butter m&ms, cadbury chocolate bars, reese's pieces)

Getting a new book (from bookstore or library)

Realizing my favorite shows have new episodes that night instead of a week later like I thought

Figuring out I got 6 hours of sleep in a row

Trying on clothes and seeing that they actually look decent on me and they're on sale

Parker smiling at me when I walk into the room and it's not just time for him to eat

Saturday, September 29, 2012

I just knew

I didn't really have any pregnancy symptoms. Not the usual, obvious ones, like morning sickness or food aversions or fainting (which seems to happen a lot in tv shows and movies). And my pants still fit. But, there were days when I cried for what seemed to be no reason and a few times I did get light headed enough to beg my husband to get me water. But I thought my time of the month was about to begin or I was just dehydrated. It never hit me that maybe the reason that I broke down on the phone with my older sister was not just because I really, really did not want her to lose her baby (which I really, really didn't), but also because I was carrying a little one of my own. It never hit me that maybe the reason that my period didn't start was not just because I couldn't really remember when I last had it and maybe I was a week off in my head, but also because, well, I wouldn't be getting my period that month. I had no idea. I was going through every reason in my head for what was happening to me except the possibility of me being pregnant. At least in the beginning. But a few days past and then I started to let that possibility enter my mind. And then I asked my husband to get a pregnancy test. That once I ruled out that possibility, I could go to the doctor to see if something was wrong with me. But I knew. I knew once I took the test that it would be positive and then this possibility would become reality. I just knew. But I let my husband think that I thought there was a chance for the test to be negative.  So I peed on the stick. But I let my husband check it two minutes later because, really, I already knew it would be positive so why did I need to see it. And now it was reality.

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Bucket list

I don't really have what people would call a bucket list. I have a list of books I want to read before I die. Although there are places I want to visit and things I want to do before I die, I would rather be able to say that I read everything I wanted to read. The list mainly consists of well-known series, but, also, there are some authors that I want to read every book they wrote. How long will this take? you ask. Well, a long time actually since I keep adding to the list. But, I can't die until I am done with the list, right? So, I really don't mind how long it will take to read them all. I want to be around for a long time...